mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to [email protected].) |
List | Description |
1000mp | All about Yaesu 1000mp |
10m | Discussion of the 10M amateur band. |
160m | Topics related to 160 Meters Topband |
222EME | Discussion of 222EME. |
222mhz | Discussion of the 222MHz amateur band |
23cm | Discussion of the 23cm amateur band. |
2m | All about 2m |
30m | Discussion of the 30M amateur band |
33cm | Discussion of the 33cm amateur band. |
3959 | Closed 75 meter group |
4DIJ-L | Discussion list on QRP camping weekends: Lobstercon, Salmoncon & Others? |
4rnNTS | 4th Region NTS Net |
50mhz | Discussion of anything on the 6M amateur band. |
50MHzJT65A | [no description available] |
60-Meters | A new concept in channelized SSB |
600MRG | 630 meter operation discussion list |
70cm | Discussion of the 70cm Amateur Band |
80m | Discussion of the 80M amateur band. |
AATV | Discussion of AATV. |
ACARS | Discussion of ACARS |
ACARSLogs | a mailing list for posting of ACARSLogs. |
AdrianARC | Adrian ARC mailing list |
ADXA | ADXA mailing list |
AGCW | Diskussionsforum der Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie e.V. |
ak-vhf | VHF/UHF/mw activity in Alaska |
AKHam | Alaska hams |
AlexandriaRadioClub | Alexandria Radio Club W4HFH, Alexandria, VA |
ALHam | Alabama hams |
Alinco | Devoted entirely to Alinco equipment |
Alinco-DX-SR9 | [no description available] |
Allied | Discussion of radio equipment from Allied. |
AMFMTVDX | Discussion of AM, FM, and TV DX |
AmpRepair | Discussion of service and repair for RF linear amplifiers |
AMRadio | Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service |
Antennas | Ham Antennas |
APRS | APRS - Automatic Position Reporting System |
AR7030 | Discussing the AOR AR7030 communications receiver. |
ARC5 | Discussion of AN/ARC-5 military radio equipment. |
ARDF-F | fuer Fuchsjagd-Ankuendigungen im Distrikt Hessen! |
ARDF-P | fuer Fuchsjagd-Ankuendigungen im Grossraum Stuttgart bzw. Distrikt Wuerttemberg! |
AREN | Arkansas Razorback Emergency Net |
ARES-RACES | Emergency Communications |
ARESCO | ARES in Colorado |
AReU | Amateur Radio-electronics Union |
Argonaut_Users_Group | TenTec Argonaut Users Group |
ArHam | Hams in the state of Arkansas |
ARLHS | For all those interested in lighthouses & lightships. |
ARRL-NH | New Hampshire ARRL |
ARRL-OK | ARRL Oklahoma Section List |
AST | Acadiana SkyTrack |
Azden | Equipment manufactured by Azden |
AZHAM | Arizona Ham Radio |
BadgerContesters | Wisconsin VHF/UHF Weak Signal Chatter |
BARC-List | The Boston Amateur Radio Club |
BARK | Buffalo Amateur Radio Klub (Buffalo WY) |
BCVHFA | The Butler County (Ohio) VHF Association |
BIARC | Big Island Amateur Radio Club - Hilo Hawaii |
Boatanchors | Discussion of Boatanchors |
BSD-Ham | Ham software for BSD systems |
C01-Contest | Contest Gruppe Vaterstetten OV-C01 |
CAham | California Ham Radio |
CALV-ARES | Calvert County, MD AUXCOMM |
CalvMesh | Calvert County MD MESH Discussion |
CARA-MS | Chickasaw Amateur Radio Association - Club Information |
CC-ARES-RACES | ARES/RACES Info for Charles County, MD |
CCDSTARNet | Coastal Carolina DSTAR Net Saturdays 2330 UTC REF061C |
CDXA | Carolina DX Association |
Central-Electronics | Anything concerning Central Electronics gear |
Clegg | Clegg is a mailing list devoted to the |
Cliffdwellers | Antennas in restricted locations |
Clover | Clover data transmission mode and protocol |
CoARES-D10 | Colorado ARES D-10 |
COham | Colorado Ham |
Collins | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Collins |
Contest | Discussion of Contesting |
CORC | The Central Ohio Radio Club, Inc. |
CorkRadioClub | Cork Radio Club Members |
CountyHunters | Discussion of County Hunting |
CrystalSwap | Trade crystals for your rigs |
CTham | Information for Hams in the State of Connecticut USA |
CTSARA | Stamford Amateur Radio Association |
CVARS | Chehalis Valley Amateur Radio Society Members |
CVCC | Central Virginia Contest Club |
CVRC | The Carson Valley Radio Club (Nevada) |
CW | CW Reflector |
DARARepeater | Dayton Ohio Thursday Night Repeater Group |
DARC | Delmarva Amateur Radio Club |
DCAR | Dutchess County, NY ARES/RACES Forum |
DCART | Douglas County ARES/RACES Team |
DCboatanchors | Discussion of DCBoatAnchors |
DDXG | Danish DX Group |
DEham | Delaware Ham Radio |
DEMI | Down East Microwave Equipment discussion list |
DigitalModes | Digital Modes Discussion List |
DigitalYouthNet | Digital Youth Net |
DixieGHz | Microwave Operating in Southeastern USA |
DLARCforum | Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club Forum |
Drake | Equipment manufactured by R.L.Drake |
DSDigiNet | Diamond State Digital Network |
DSP-10 | Discussion of DSP-10 2-meter transceiver |
DVHRC | Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club |
DX | Devoted to the discussion of DX |
DX-QSL | For all those who enjoy DXing and QSLing |
DX4WIN | Logging Software |
Dxbase | DXbase Ham Radio Logging Program |
Dxpeditions | Operating Expedtions to DX Locations |
DYG-Youth | Youth ham radio club in Elkader, Iowa USA |
DZC | Driftless Zone Contesters (Wisconsin) |
EARS | Ellijay Amateur Radio Society |
EBay-FS | Discussion of Ham Ebay auctions |
ECAC | Members of the former ARRL ECAC |
ECARC | Eau Claire Amateur Radio Club (Wisconsin) |
EICO | Discussion of Eico |
Eldico | Subscribers who have interest in Eldico radio |
Elecraft | Elecraft Discussion List |
ElecraftKX3 | Elecraft-KX3 Tips & Tricks |
EMA-ARRL | ARRL activities within the Eastern Massachusetts section |
EMARC | Eastern Michigan Amateur Radio Club |
EmComm-AZ | AZ Emergency Communications |
EPARA | Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association |
ETO_Alpha | Discussion of ETO Alpha |
ETSList | ETS - PARC Info List (Members Only) |
Exotics | Discussion of uncommon radio gear |
FADCA | Florida Amateur Digital Communication Association |
FARC | Frederick, Maryland ARC |
FCARC | Fulton County (OH) Amateur Radio Club |
FCARCMA | Mailing List for the MA Franklin County Amateur Radio Club |
FCARCMA-eboard | MA Franklin County Amateur Radio Club EBoard |
FCG | Florida Contest Group |
FedCom | Discussion of Federal Government Communications |
FellsmereART | Fellsmere Amateur Radio Team |
FieldDay | Discussion of Field Day |
FISTS | News for and about FISTS CW Club members |
FLARES | This is the Florida ARES Mailing list. |
Flexnet | [no description available] |
FLham | Florida Ham is open to all radio amateurs residing in the state |
ForSale-Swap | Buy, Sell, and Trade Ham Radio Equipment |
Fox_Tango | Vintage Yaesu Equipment |
FoxHunt | Radio Direction Finding |
FPARC | Fort Pierce ARC |
FreeBay | Things are free here! |
FT9000 | Discussion of the Yaesu FT-9000 Transceivers |
FT950 | FT-950 Users Group |
GAham | Georga Ham Radio |
GCARC | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club |
GCARC-Officers | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club Officers List |
GCARES | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club ARES |
GCDXA | Gulf Coast DX Association |
GDXT | Grupo DX Teide |
GE | Discussion of equipment manufactured by GE |
GeneralCram | GCARC GeneralClass Crams |
GMCARA | Greater Mason County KY Amateur Radio Association |
GMDXA | Greater Milwaukee DX Association |
GNARC | Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club |
Gonset | Equipment manufactured by Gonset |
GPS_Standard | Users of GPS-Derived Frequency Standard, QEX Magazine, Sept/Oct 2006 |
Great-River-DX | Great River DX Group |
GreenKeys | Discussion of older radio teletype (RTTY) gear |
GVARC | Garlic Valley ARC (only) chats |
Hallicrafters | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Hallicrafters |
Ham-Books | Literature and periodicals of amateur radio |
Ham-Computers | Computers (or other) used for amateur radio, communications, or experimenting |
Ham-Linux | Discussion of Ham-Linux |
Ham-Mac | Mac enthusiasts involved in amateur radio applications |
Ham-News | ARRL Letter and Amateur Radio Newsline sent weekly |
Ham-Software | Announcements for all ham radio software releases |
HamDX | Ham DX list, managed by 4S6GCS |
Hamfest | Welcome to the Hamfest e-mail reflector. |
Hammarlund | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Hammarlund. |
HamRadioBrazil | HF & DMR BRAZIL |
HamSat | Ham Satellites (Modes, Freqs, etc.). |
HamTips | K0NR Tips for New Hams |
HARC | Holmesburg ARC Philadelphia |
Harris | All About Harris RF Communications Products |
HBQRP | The Midwest HomeBrewer's QRP Group |
HBR | HBR Receiver List |
HCARC | Hill Country Amateur Radio Club |
HCHams | HCARC Tomms River New Jersey |
HCRA | Hampden County (MA) Radio Association |
HearSat | Satellite signal monitoring |
Heathkit | Discussion of equipment manufactured by HeathKit |
Henry | Devoted entirely to the topic of Henry Amplifiers for ARS use. |
High-Speed-CW | High-Speed CW Discussion Group |
HIham | Ham Radio in Hawai'i |
HomeBrew | Amateur radio and Electronics Experimentation and Construction |
HoustonHAM | Amateur (Ham) Radio in Houston. TX and surrounding areas |
HSMM-COS | Ham Radio Mesh Networking in Colorado Springs |
HSMS | High Speed Meteor Scatter, including K1JT's revolutionary WSJT, FSK441, etc. modes. |
IAham | Ham radio in Iowa |
Icom | ICOM Reflector |
IDham | Idaho Ham Radio |
ILHam | Illinois Ham Radio Reflector |
ILLIANAHealthyHams | [no description available] |
ILQSO | Illinois QSO Party |
InHam | Indiana Hams List |
Jambo2010 | [no description available] |
JMCAR | Jackson - Madison Co. Tennessee ARES/RACES |
Johnson | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Johnson |
JRC | Discussion of JRC |
K3ARS | K3ARS Flash Traffic |
K3CAL | Calvert Amateur Radio Association - K3CAL |
K3FRT | Forest Amateur Radio Team |
K3PZN-List | Carroll County Amateur Radio Club |
K3VOA | VOA Amateur Radio Club - Washington DC |
K5BLV | News for Users of the K5BLV 145.41 MHz Repeater (near Lydia, LA) |
K5EOK | Edmond Amateur Radio Society |
K6BW | Associates of the Hamilton Wireless Assn. |
K6NCG | Discussion of K6NCG |
K8MCR | Mon Cty Amateur Radio Club |
K9YA_Telegraph | K9YA Telegraph e-Zine |
Kantronics | Discussion of products and services manufactured or provided by Kantronics |
KB4ARS | Jacksonville Beaches Amateur Radio Society |
KCDXC | Kansas City DX Club |
KE0FLY | MIARC/KE0FLY members mailing list |
Kenwood | Discussion of radio equipment made by Kenwood |
kisse | Porkkalan Radiokerhon OH2ET jasenlista |
KJ5Y | KJ5Y Remote Users Mailing List |
KL7AA | Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (KL7AA) |
KMCARA | West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association |
KokomoHams | Howard County Indiana Hams |
KPG | Kawartha Packet Group |
KSham | Kansas Ham Radio |
KYHAM | Kentucky Amateur Radio Information |
Lafayette | Discussion of radio equipment made by Lafayette |
LaHam | Hams in the state of Louisiana |
Laser | Free Space LASER Communications |
Launch-Alert | Launch Alert |
LCARE | Lafayette Community Area Repeater Environment - GMRS for Lafayette Parish |
LEARC | Information of interest to members of the Lamoine Emergency Amateur Radio Club in west central Illinois. |
Letter-List | The ARRL Letter |
LimerickRadioClub | LRC Member Services |
LIQRP | Long Island QRP Club News and Discussion |
LOGic | [email protected] |
LogPlus | Discussion of LogPlus |
LogWindow | Discussion of LogWindow software |
Lowfer | Discussion of the Lowfer (US, European, & UK) and MedFer bands |
MagLoop | Discussions about Magnetic Loop Antennas |
MAham | Ham Radio in Mass. |
MAMS | Mid-America Microwave Society |
MARC | Maury Amateur Radio Club of Columbia, TN |
MARES | Milpitas, California ARES/RACES E-List |
MarinTeams | Neighborhood Radio Communications Volunteers in Marin County, CA |
MARS | MARS Membership Worldwide (All Services) |
MCARC | Marshall County ARC |
McHUG | MicroController Ham User Group - Physical Computing for Ham Radio |
MDham | Maryland Ham Radio |
MEham | Maine Ham Radio |
Meteor-Scatter | Discussion on 50MHz and up meteor scatter |
MFJ-Ameritron | Equipment manufactured by MFJ Enterprises and affiliates (Ameritron, Mirage, etc) |
MicroHAMS | The official voice of the MicroHAMS amateur radio club |
Microphones | Microphone discussion....Old and New |
Microwave | Discussion of the Microwave amateur bands |
MIham | Michigan Ham Radio |
MilAir | Military Aircraft Communications |
MilCom | Discussion of MilCom |
Milsurplus | Discussion of Military Surplus Electronics |
MNham | News and discussion of interest to Minnesota hams. |
Mobile-Portable | Mobile-Portable Reflector |
Modoc | Modoc County California Hams Assoc. |
MOham | Missouri Ham Reflector |
MohawkARC | Mohawk ARC, Gardner, MA |
MondayMorningMessage | Monday Morning Message distribution list |
Morrow | Discussion of radio equipment made by Morrow |
MorseCode | A list for telegraph instrument collectors |
Motorola | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Motorola |
MRCA | Military Radio Collectors Association |
MRCG | West Coast Military Radio Collectors Group |
MRIC | Maryland RACES Interoperability Committee |
MSham | The South's Warmest Welcome! |
MTham | Montana Ham Radio Operators |
MTHOLLYSVRWX | Mt Holly NJ Severe Weather (SVR WX only) |
MVMA | MVMA Mailing List |
NA0TC | 285 TechConnect Radio Club - Morrison, Colorado |
NAI | Natives Americans on Ham Radio |
NARC | High traffic list for NARC members |
NARC-Members | Nittany Amateur Radio Club members only discussions |
NARS | Northwest Amateur Radio Society |
National | National Radio Equipment |
NCDXA | [no description available] |
NCham | North Carolina Ham Radio |
NCWVSkywarn | North Central West Virginia Skywarn |
NDham | Ham Radio in North Dakota |
NEDXCC | New England DXCC |
NEham | Nebraska Ham Radio |
NEQRP | QRP Club of New England |
NevadaARES | Nevada Section A.R.E.S. List |
NEWSVHF | North East Weak Signal VHF club |
NIS | Northern Illinois Skywarn |
NJARC | New Jersey Antique Radio Collectors |
NJham | New Jersey Ham Radio |
NLRS | Northern Lights Radio Society |
NMham | New Mexico Ham Radio |
NoCoDMR | Northern Colorado DMR |
Novice-Rigs | Welcome to the Novice Rigs List! |
nrv-hams | NRV-Hams: A mailing list for members of the New River Valley (VA) Amateur Radio Club. |
NTX_NTS | Helping new and experienced operators with traffic handling in North Texas |
NvHam | For Hams in the state of Nevada |
NYham | New York Ham Radio |
OCARES | Ocean County ARES |
OCCARO | Orange County Council of Amateur Radio Organizations |
OFARC | Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club, Houston TX |
OKDXA | Oklahoma DX Association |
OkHam | Hams in the state of Oklahoma |
OMIK | OMIK Amateur Radio Association |
Oremem | Oregon US Army MARS Membership |
ORham | Oregon Ham Radio |
Packet | A discussion list of the Packet Radio communications mode |
Packrats | Packrats and friends - Philadelphia area VHF+ weak signal operators |
PACTOR | Discussion of the PACTOR radio communications mode |
PAham | Welcome to all Pennsylvania hams |
PaQSO | Discussion of PaQSO |
ParasiticEmission | Parasitic Emission Newsletter |
PARCadmin | Portland Oregon ARC Announcements |
PARCannounce | Portland (Oregon) ARC Announcements |
PARCgeneral | Portland (OR) ARC Rag Chew |
PARK | Pocono Amateur Radio Klub |
PAWA | Portland (ME) Amateur Wireless Association - PAWA |
PBARC | Pine Bluff ARC mailing list |
PCR-1000 | Discussion of PCR-1000 by Icom |
PCRACES | Parke County Indiana RACES |
PDXA | DX & DX events in New England |
PennsylvaniaHams | Pennsylvania Hams |
PHX-Skywarn | Phoenix AZ Sky Warn Program |
Pocono-Hams | Distribute news and events info to hams in the Poconos |
PPARES | Pikes Peak ARES |
PPRAANet | Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association activities |
Premium-Rx | Technical discussions regarding premium radio equipment. |
PRham | Puerto Rico Ham Radio |
Pro2006 | Radio Shack Pro2006 Scanner |
Psk31 | Discussion of Psk31 |
PVRCM | Potomac Valley Radio Club Officer Communications |
PVRCNC | PVRC/North Carolina News |
QAARC | Queen Anne's Amateur Radio Club |
QCARC | [no description available] |
QCEN | Queen City Emergency Net |
QCWA | Discussion of QCWA or Ham Radio |
QCWA69 | To Provide Communications and Information for QCWA Chapter 69 in S Fla |
QCWAHotlist | QCWA intra-chapter communications |
QRO | Discussion of QRO |
QRP | Low Power Amateur Radio |
QRP-L | QRP-L Mailing List |
QRP50 | Homebrew QRP equipment for under 50 dollars |
QRPFR | French spoken distribution list to promote low power activities (QRP) |
QSL-Announce | Anything to do with QSL cards and QSLing |
QSL-Managers | QSL-Managers discussion |
R-1051 | R-1051 Discussion Group |
R-390 | Collins R-390 HF Receiver List |
RACAL | Dedicated to all RACAL equipment |
RACES-Core | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. Core Group |
RACES-EmCom | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. Emergency Communications Group. |
RACES-hospital | [no description available] |
RACES-Membership | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. General Membership |
RadioShack | Discussion of RadioShack brand (Realistic, RadioShack, Tandy) |
RAGSPublicService | RAGS Public Service, ARES, RACES, SKYWARN Syracuse NY |
RCA | RCA Equipment |
RenoSKYWARN | SKYWARN program information for Reno NWS weather spotters |
Repeaters | All About Repeaters |
Rigblaster | Discussion of Rigblaster |
RIham | Rhode Island Ham Radio |
ROVARC-BOD | ROVARC Board of Directors business discussion |
ROVARC-Members | USS Red Oak Victory Amateur Radio Club members news and discussions |
Rover | Rover's for VHF Contesting and Grid Square Collecting |
RRDXA | Rhein Ruhr DX Association |
SBARC | Saddlebrooke AZ Amateur Radio Club |
SBhams | NW Louisiana Amateur Radio news |
Scan-DC | Scanner radio discussion list for Washington, D.C.-Baltimore region |
ScanIndiana | Indiana Scanning |
Scanner | Discussion of Scanners |
SCARA | Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association |
SCARES | Saline County Arkansas ARES |
SCHam | South Carolina Hams List |
SDham | SD Ham radio |
SELA | South East Louisiana ARES |
SERC | This is the Sarasota Emergency Radio Club Mailing list. |
SFDXA | DX Information & Events of Interest to South Florida |
SHARCbits | Spring Hill Amateur Radio Club |
SHARP_call_out | [no description available] |
SIERA | Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association |
SignalOne | All about Signal/One radios |
SilverCometARS | Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society |
SilverSpringsRC | Silver Springs FL Radio Club |
SixClub | World Wide Six Meter Club |
SJRA-Members | South Jersey Radio Association Members |
SJV-L | open to all hams in the San Juaquin Valley section |
SK5UM | Flens Radioamatörer FRA |
SkyHub | SkyHub Rocky Mountain Multi Mode Link System |
Skywarn | Discussion of Skywarn |
SlashPortable | For radio amateurs who enjoy working portable |
SLCRS | For members of South Logan County Radio Society |
SMCARA | St. Mary's County Amateur Radio Association (southern Maryland) |
SMIRK | The 6 meter club, SMIRK |
Snowball | Swapmeet in a box. Remove, add, pass on |
SOC | Second Class Operators' Club |
Special-Events | Discussion of Amateur Radio Special Events |
Spooks | Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations |
SRRC | Starved Rock Radio Club |
Standard | Discussion of radio equipment manufactured by Standard Amateur Radio Products |
Sterling | Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club |
STXBLT | South Texas Balloon Launch Team |
Swan | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Swan |
SWILARC | Southwestern Illinois Amateur Radio Clubs |
SWL | Short-Wave radio Listening |
Tandy | Discussion of equipment manufactured or distributed by Tandy |
TARA | NMT Amateur Radio Club discussion |
TCABoard | TCA Board of Directors |
TCARA | Tyler County Texas Amateur Radio Association |
TCARC-NTx | Tri-County ARC of North Texas WC5C |
TechCram | GCARC Licensing |
Tekniksnack | Deltagare i Tekniksnack @DCS010_T |
Tentec | Discussion of Tentec equipment |
Test | Use This List for Mail Testing Purposes |
Test-Equipment | Discussion of Electronic Test Equipment |
TimeWave-AEA | Discussion of products and services manufactured or provided by TimeWave-AEA |
TMC | Technical Material Corp Radios |
TMRA | The Toledo Mobile Radio Association located in Toledo, Ohio |
TNham | Discussion of HAM activities in Tennessee |
Tower-Speak | Discussion of anything related to towers |
TransAtlantic | TransAtlantic 144MHz+ Report-Discuss-Liason, America to Europe/Africa. |
TrashRadioGroup | Trash Radio Group - Allstar linked repeaters in New Mexico USA |
TRCFR | Thracian Rose Club activities |
TRIO | Mainly about older TRIO radios |
Troop139 | NJ Boy Scout Troop 139 and Venture Crew 7373 |
TrunkCom | Discussion of Monitoring Trunk Radio Systems |
TS-480 | Discussion of the Kenwood TS-480 radios |
Tube-Swap | Discussion and Sale/Swap of Vacuum Tubes |
TVARC | The Villages (FL) Amateur Radio Club |
TVARC-Contest-DX | The Villages (FL) Amateur Radio Club Contesters & DXers |
TVI-RFI-EMI | Discussion of interference of all types |
TWIAR | This Week in Amateur Radio |
TxHam | Texas Amateur Radio Operators |
Uniden | Discussion of equipment manufactured or distributed by Uniden |
UTham | Utah Ham Radio |
V7ARC | Village Seven Amateur Radio Club |
V7ARCSSBNET | Colorado Springs Saturday Evening 2-meter SSB net |
VARECS | Volusia County Florida ARECS |
VC73 | Venture Crew 73, Canton Ohio |
VE3PBO | Peterborough Amateur Radio Club |
Vintage-Audio | Vintage home and professional audio equipment from 1975 back |
Vintage-Radio | Vintage Ham Radio |
VTham | Vermont Ham Radio |
W2CRA | Cherryville Repeater Association II |
W3GMR | Green Mountain Repeater Association |
W3GV | Radio Association of Erie (PA) |
W3LIF | Mercer County PA Amateur Radio Club |
W3YXE | Radio Amateurs of Corry - Corry, PA |
W4PDE | Greater Pee Dee Radio Society |
W4PDEinfo | The Greater Pee Dee Radio Society (SC) |
W4TWN | Twin Rivers Amateur Radio Club |
W5-HAMS | Open to all persons interested in amateur radio |
W5AUM | Washington County (Texas) Amateur Radio Club |
W5AW | Big Spring ARC, Big Spring, Texas, USA |
W5CUQ | Pittsburg County Amateur Radio Club |
W6CCN | Western Country Cousin Net |
W8BHZ | Conneaut Amateur Radio Club News and Information |
W8MWA | Monongalia Wireless Association, Morgantown,WV |
W9CWA | Centralia Wireless Association |
WA2XMN | In support of WA2XMN, Alpine, NJ |
WAR | The Wisconsin Association of Repeaters |
WB9ZPH-VE | Current updates for the WB9ZPH VE team in Texas |
WCARA | Williams County (Ohio) Amateur Radio Association |
WCARES | Washington County Texas ARES |
Wefax | Discussion of weather fax communications |
WG8ARS | Germantown OHIO Amateur Radio Society |
Wi-ARES-WC-District | West-Central Wisconsin ARES |
WIARC | Western Illinois Amateur Radio Club |
WIham | Wisconsin Ham Radio |
WMA-ARES | An email list for the Western Mass. section of ARES. |
WRL | Discussion of WRL |
Wswss | Western States Weak Signal Society |
WTRA | Western Tidewater Radio Association member list |
WVham | WV Ham Radio |
WWARG | WWARG Members Board |
WWARGTechNet | World Wide Amateur Radio Group Tech Net |
WX4PDE | Greater Pee Dee Skywarn |
WX7PHX | For Ham Radio Operatiors In The Phoenix Arizona Sky Warn Program |
WYham | Wyoming Ham Radio |
Yaesu | Anything related to the entire Yaesu product line. |
YMCARES | Yellow Medicine County Minnesota ARES |
Zenith | Discussion of radio equipment from Zenith |
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