Mailing Lists |
No such list gammaspectrometry Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the right list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact [email protected]. |
List | Description |
1000mp | All about Yaesu 1000mp |
10m | Discussion of the 10M amateur band. |
160m | Topics related to 160 Meters Topband |
222EME | Discussion of 222EME. |
222mhz | Discussion of the 222MHz amateur band |
23cm | Discussion of the 23cm amateur band. |
2m | All about 2m |
30m | Discussion of the 30M amateur band |
33cm | Discussion of the 33cm amateur band. |
3959 | Closed 75 meter group |
4DIJ-L | Discussion list on QRP camping weekends: Lobstercon, Salmoncon & Others? |
4rnNTS | 4th Region NTS Net |
50mhz | Discussion of anything on the 6M amateur band. |
50MHzJT65A | [no description available] |
60-Meters | A new concept in channelized SSB |
600MRG | 630 meter operation discussion list |
70cm | Discussion of the 70cm Amateur Band |
80m | Discussion of the 80M amateur band. |
AATV | Discussion of AATV. |
ACARS | Discussion of ACARS |
ACARSLogs | a mailing list for posting of ACARSLogs. |
AdrianARC | Adrian ARC mailing list |
ADXA | ADXA mailing list |
AGCW | Diskussionsforum der Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie e.V. |
ak-vhf | VHF/UHF/mw activity in Alaska |
AKHam | Alaska hams |
AlexandriaRadioClub | Alexandria Radio Club W4HFH, Alexandria, VA |
ALHam | Alabama hams |
Alinco | Devoted entirely to Alinco equipment |
Alinco-DX-SR9 | [no description available] |
Allied | Discussion of radio equipment from Allied. |
AMFMTVDX | Discussion of AM, FM, and TV DX |
AmpRepair | Discussion of service and repair for RF linear amplifiers |
AMRadio | Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service |
Antennas | Ham Antennas |
APRS | APRS - Automatic Position Reporting System |
AR7030 | Discussing the AOR AR7030 communications receiver. |
ARC5 | Discussion of AN/ARC-5 military radio equipment. |
ARDF-F | fuer Fuchsjagd-Ankuendigungen im Distrikt Hessen! |
ARDF-P | fuer Fuchsjagd-Ankuendigungen im Grossraum Stuttgart bzw. Distrikt Wuerttemberg! |
AREN | Arkansas Razorback Emergency Net |
ARES-RACES | Emergency Communications |
ARESCO | ARES in Colorado |
AReU | Amateur Radio-electronics Union |
Argonaut_Users_Group | TenTec Argonaut Users Group |
ArHam | Hams in the state of Arkansas |
ARLHS | For all those interested in lighthouses & lightships. |
ARRL-NH | New Hampshire ARRL |
ARRL-OK | ARRL Oklahoma Section List |
AST | Acadiana SkyTrack |
Azden | Equipment manufactured by Azden |
AZHAM | Arizona Ham Radio |
BadgerContesters | Wisconsin VHF/UHF Weak Signal Chatter |
BARC-List | The Boston Amateur Radio Club |
BARK | Buffalo Amateur Radio Klub (Buffalo WY) |
BCVHFA | The Butler County (Ohio) VHF Association |
BIARC | Big Island Amateur Radio Club - Hilo Hawaii |
Boatanchors | Discussion of Boatanchors |
BSD-Ham | Ham software for BSD systems |
C01-Contest | Contest Gruppe Vaterstetten OV-C01 |
CAham | California Ham Radio |
CALV-ARES | Calvert County, MD AUXCOMM |
CalvMesh | Calvert County MD MESH Discussion |
CARA-MS | Chickasaw Amateur Radio Association - Club Information |
CC-ARES-RACES | ARES/RACES Info for Charles County, MD |
CCDSTARNet | Coastal Carolina DSTAR Net Saturdays 2330 UTC REF061C |
CDXA | Carolina DX Association |
Central-Electronics | Anything concerning Central Electronics gear |
Clegg | Clegg is a mailing list devoted to the |
Cliffdwellers | Antennas in restricted locations |
Clover | Clover data transmission mode and protocol |
CoARES-D10 | Colorado ARES D-10 |
COham | Colorado Ham |
Collins | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Collins |
Contest | Discussion of Contesting |
CORC | The Central Ohio Radio Club, Inc. |
CorkRadioClub | Cork Radio Club Members |
CountyHunters | Discussion of County Hunting |
CrystalSwap | Trade crystals for your rigs |
CTham | Information for Hams in the State of Connecticut USA |
CTSARA | Stamford Amateur Radio Association |
CVARS | Chehalis Valley Amateur Radio Society Members |
CVCC | Central Virginia Contest Club |
CVRC | The Carson Valley Radio Club (Nevada) |
CW | CW Reflector |
DARARepeater | Dayton Ohio Thursday Night Repeater Group |
DARC | Delmarva Amateur Radio Club |
DCAR | Dutchess County, NY ARES/RACES Forum |
DCART | Douglas County ARES/RACES Team |
DCboatanchors | Discussion of DCBoatAnchors |
DDXG | Danish DX Group |
DEham | Delaware Ham Radio |
DEMI | Down East Microwave Equipment discussion list |
DigitalModes | Digital Modes Discussion List |
DigitalYouthNet | Digital Youth Net |
DixieGHz | Microwave Operating in Southeastern USA |
DLARCforum | Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club Forum |
Drake | Equipment manufactured by R.L.Drake |
DSDigiNet | Diamond State Digital Network |
DSP-10 | Discussion of DSP-10 2-meter transceiver |
DVHRC | Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club |
DX | Devoted to the discussion of DX |
DX-QSL | For all those who enjoy DXing and QSLing |
DX4WIN | Logging Software |
Dxbase | DXbase Ham Radio Logging Program |
Dxpeditions | Operating Expedtions to DX Locations |
DYG-Youth | Youth ham radio club in Elkader, Iowa USA |
DZC | Driftless Zone Contesters (Wisconsin) |
EARS | Ellijay Amateur Radio Society |
EBay-FS | Discussion of Ham Ebay auctions |
ECAC | Members of the former ARRL ECAC |
ECARC | Eau Claire Amateur Radio Club (Wisconsin) |
EICO | Discussion of Eico |
Eldico | Subscribers who have interest in Eldico radio |
Elecraft | Elecraft Discussion List |
ElecraftKX3 | Elecraft-KX3 Tips & Tricks |
EMA-ARRL | ARRL activities within the Eastern Massachusetts section |
EMARC | Eastern Michigan Amateur Radio Club |
EmComm-AZ | AZ Emergency Communications |
EPARA | Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association |
ETO_Alpha | Discussion of ETO Alpha |
ETSList | ETS - PARC Info List (Members Only) |
Exotics | Discussion of uncommon radio gear |
FADCA | Florida Amateur Digital Communication Association |
FARC | Frederick, Maryland ARC |
FCARC | Fulton County (OH) Amateur Radio Club |
FCARCMA | Mailing List for the MA Franklin County Amateur Radio Club |
FCARCMA-eboard | MA Franklin County Amateur Radio Club EBoard |
FCG | Florida Contest Group |
FedCom | Discussion of Federal Government Communications |
FellsmereART | Fellsmere Amateur Radio Team |
FieldDay | Discussion of Field Day |
FISTS | News for and about FISTS CW Club members |
FLARES | This is the Florida ARES Mailing list. |
Flexnet | [no description available] |
FLham | Florida Ham is open to all radio amateurs residing in the state |
ForSale-Swap | Buy, Sell, and Trade Ham Radio Equipment |
Fox_Tango | Vintage Yaesu Equipment |
FoxHunt | Radio Direction Finding |
FPARC | Fort Pierce ARC |
FreeBay | Things are free here! |
FT9000 | Discussion of the Yaesu FT-9000 Transceivers |
FT950 | FT-950 Users Group |
GAham | Georga Ham Radio |
GCARC | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club |
GCARC-Officers | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club Officers List |
GCARES | Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club ARES |
GCDXA | Gulf Coast DX Association |
GDXT | Grupo DX Teide |
GE | Discussion of equipment manufactured by GE |
GeneralCram | GCARC GeneralClass Crams |
GMCARA | Greater Mason County KY Amateur Radio Association |
GMDXA | Greater Milwaukee DX Association |
GNARC | Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club |
Gonset | Equipment manufactured by Gonset |
GPS_Standard | Users of GPS-Derived Frequency Standard, QEX Magazine, Sept/Oct 2006 |
Great-River-DX | Great River DX Group |
GreenKeys | Discussion of older radio teletype (RTTY) gear |
GVARC | Garlic Valley ARC (only) chats |
Hallicrafters | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Hallicrafters |
Ham-Books | Literature and periodicals of amateur radio |
Ham-Computers | Computers (or other) used for amateur radio, communications, or experimenting |
Ham-Linux | Discussion of Ham-Linux |
Ham-Mac | Mac enthusiasts involved in amateur radio applications |
Ham-News | ARRL Letter and Amateur Radio Newsline sent weekly |
Ham-Software | Announcements for all ham radio software releases |
HamDX | Ham DX list, managed by 4S6GCS |
Hamfest | Welcome to the Hamfest e-mail reflector. |
Hammarlund | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Hammarlund. |
HamRadioBrazil | HF & DMR BRAZIL |
HamSat | Ham Satellites (Modes, Freqs, etc.). |
HamTips | K0NR Tips for New Hams |
HARC | Holmesburg ARC Philadelphia |
Harris | All About Harris RF Communications Products |
HBQRP | The Midwest HomeBrewer's QRP Group |
HBR | HBR Receiver List |
HCARC | Hill Country Amateur Radio Club |
HCHams | HCARC Tomms River New Jersey |
HCRA | Hampden County (MA) Radio Association |
HearSat | Satellite signal monitoring |
Heathkit | Discussion of equipment manufactured by HeathKit |
Henry | Devoted entirely to the topic of Henry Amplifiers for ARS use. |
High-Speed-CW | High-Speed CW Discussion Group |
HIham | Ham Radio in Hawai'i |
HomeBrew | Amateur radio and Electronics Experimentation and Construction |
HoustonHAM | Amateur (Ham) Radio in Houston. TX and surrounding areas |
HSMM-COS | Ham Radio Mesh Networking in Colorado Springs |
HSMS | High Speed Meteor Scatter, including K1JT's revolutionary WSJT, FSK441, etc. modes. |
IAham | Ham radio in Iowa |
Icom | ICOM Reflector |
IDham | Idaho Ham Radio |
ILHam | Illinois Ham Radio Reflector |
ILLIANAHealthyHams | [no description available] |
ILQSO | Illinois QSO Party |
InHam | Indiana Hams List |
Jambo2010 | [no description available] |
JMCAR | Jackson - Madison Co. Tennessee ARES/RACES |
Johnson | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Johnson |
JRC | Discussion of JRC |
K3ARS | K3ARS Flash Traffic |
K3CAL | Calvert Amateur Radio Association - K3CAL |
K3FRT | Forest Amateur Radio Team |
K3PZN-List | Carroll County Amateur Radio Club |
K3VOA | VOA Amateur Radio Club - Washington DC |
K5BLV | News for Users of the K5BLV 145.41 MHz Repeater (near Lydia, LA) |
K5EOK | Edmond Amateur Radio Society |
K6BW | Associates of the Hamilton Wireless Assn. |
K6NCG | Discussion of K6NCG |
K8MCR | Mon Cty Amateur Radio Club |
K9YA_Telegraph | K9YA Telegraph e-Zine |
Kantronics | Discussion of products and services manufactured or provided by Kantronics |
KB4ARS | Jacksonville Beaches Amateur Radio Society |
KCDXC | Kansas City DX Club |
KE0FLY | MIARC/KE0FLY members mailing list |
Kenwood | Discussion of radio equipment made by Kenwood |
kisse | Porkkalan Radiokerhon OH2ET jasenlista |
KJ5Y | KJ5Y Remote Users Mailing List |
KL7AA | Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (KL7AA) |
KMCARA | West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association |
KokomoHams | Howard County Indiana Hams |
KPG | Kawartha Packet Group |
KSham | Kansas Ham Radio |
KYHAM | Kentucky Amateur Radio Information |
Lafayette | Discussion of radio equipment made by Lafayette |
LaHam | Hams in the state of Louisiana |
Laser | Free Space LASER Communications |
Launch-Alert | Launch Alert |
LCARE | Lafayette Community Area Repeater Environment - GMRS for Lafayette Parish |
LEARC | Information of interest to members of the Lamoine Emergency Amateur Radio Club in west central Illinois. |
Letter-List | The ARRL Letter |
LimerickRadioClub | LRC Member Services |
LIQRP | Long Island QRP Club News and Discussion |
LOGic | [email protected] |
LogPlus | Discussion of LogPlus |
LogWindow | Discussion of LogWindow software |
Lowfer | Discussion of the Lowfer (US, European, & UK) and MedFer bands |
MagLoop | Discussions about Magnetic Loop Antennas |
MAham | Ham Radio in Mass. |
MAMS | Mid-America Microwave Society |
MARC | Maury Amateur Radio Club of Columbia, TN |
MARES | Milpitas, California ARES/RACES E-List |
MarinTeams | Neighborhood Radio Communications Volunteers in Marin County, CA |
MARS | MARS Membership Worldwide (All Services) |
MCARC | Marshall County ARC |
McHUG | MicroController Ham User Group - Physical Computing for Ham Radio |
MDham | Maryland Ham Radio |
MEham | Maine Ham Radio |
Meteor-Scatter | Discussion on 50MHz and up meteor scatter |
MFJ-Ameritron | Equipment manufactured by MFJ Enterprises and affiliates (Ameritron, Mirage, etc) |
MicroHAMS | The official voice of the MicroHAMS amateur radio club |
Microphones | Microphone discussion....Old and New |
Microwave | Discussion of the Microwave amateur bands |
MIham | Michigan Ham Radio |
MilAir | Military Aircraft Communications |
MilCom | Discussion of MilCom |
Milsurplus | Discussion of Military Surplus Electronics |
MNham | News and discussion of interest to Minnesota hams. |
Mobile-Portable | Mobile-Portable Reflector |
Modoc | Modoc County California Hams Assoc. |
MOham | Missouri Ham Reflector |
MohawkARC | Mohawk ARC, Gardner, MA |
MondayMorningMessage | Monday Morning Message distribution list |
Morrow | Discussion of radio equipment made by Morrow |
MorseCode | A list for telegraph instrument collectors |
Motorola | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Motorola |
MRCA | Military Radio Collectors Association |
MRCG | West Coast Military Radio Collectors Group |
MRIC | Maryland RACES Interoperability Committee |
MSham | The South's Warmest Welcome! |
MTham | Montana Ham Radio Operators |
MTHOLLYSVRWX | Mt Holly NJ Severe Weather (SVR WX only) |
MVMA | MVMA Mailing List |
NA0TC | 285 TechConnect Radio Club - Morrison, Colorado |
NAI | Natives Americans on Ham Radio |
NARC | High traffic list for NARC members |
NARC-Members | Nittany Amateur Radio Club members only discussions |
NARS | Northwest Amateur Radio Society |
National | National Radio Equipment |
NCDXA | [no description available] |
NCham | North Carolina Ham Radio |
NCWVSkywarn | North Central West Virginia Skywarn |
NDham | Ham Radio in North Dakota |
NEDXCC | New England DXCC |
NEham | Nebraska Ham Radio |
NEQRP | QRP Club of New England |
NevadaARES | Nevada Section A.R.E.S. List |
NEWSVHF | North East Weak Signal VHF club |
NIS | Northern Illinois Skywarn |
NJARC | New Jersey Antique Radio Collectors |
NJham | New Jersey Ham Radio |
NLRS | Northern Lights Radio Society |
NMham | New Mexico Ham Radio |
NoCoDMR | Northern Colorado DMR |
Novice-Rigs | Welcome to the Novice Rigs List! |
nrv-hams | NRV-Hams: A mailing list for members of the New River Valley (VA) Amateur Radio Club. |
NTX_NTS | Helping new and experienced operators with traffic handling in North Texas |
NvHam | For Hams in the state of Nevada |
NYham | New York Ham Radio |
OCARES | Ocean County ARES |
OCCARO | Orange County Council of Amateur Radio Organizations |
OFARC | Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club, Houston TX |
OKDXA | Oklahoma DX Association |
OkHam | Hams in the state of Oklahoma |
OMIK | OMIK Amateur Radio Association |
Oremem | Oregon US Army MARS Membership |
ORham | Oregon Ham Radio |
Packet | A discussion list of the Packet Radio communications mode |
Packrats | Packrats and friends - Philadelphia area VHF+ weak signal operators |
PACTOR | Discussion of the PACTOR radio communications mode |
PAham | Welcome to all Pennsylvania hams |
PaQSO | Discussion of PaQSO |
ParasiticEmission | Parasitic Emission Newsletter |
PARCadmin | Portland Oregon ARC Announcements |
PARCannounce | Portland (Oregon) ARC Announcements |
PARCgeneral | Portland (OR) ARC Rag Chew |
PARK | Pocono Amateur Radio Klub |
PAWA | Portland (ME) Amateur Wireless Association - PAWA |
PBARC | Pine Bluff ARC mailing list |
PCR-1000 | Discussion of PCR-1000 by Icom |
PCRACES | Parke County Indiana RACES |
PDXA | DX & DX events in New England |
PennsylvaniaHams | Pennsylvania Hams |
PHX-Skywarn | Phoenix AZ Sky Warn Program |
Pocono-Hams | Distribute news and events info to hams in the Poconos |
PPARES | Pikes Peak ARES |
PPRAANet | Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association activities |
Premium-Rx | Technical discussions regarding premium radio equipment. |
PRham | Puerto Rico Ham Radio |
Pro2006 | Radio Shack Pro2006 Scanner |
Psk31 | Discussion of Psk31 |
PVRCM | Potomac Valley Radio Club Officer Communications |
PVRCNC | PVRC/North Carolina News |
QAARC | Queen Anne's Amateur Radio Club |
QCARC | [no description available] |
QCEN | Queen City Emergency Net |
QCWA | Discussion of QCWA or Ham Radio |
QCWA69 | To Provide Communications and Information for QCWA Chapter 69 in S Fla |
QCWAHotlist | QCWA intra-chapter communications |
QRO | Discussion of QRO |
QRP | Low Power Amateur Radio |
QRP-L | QRP-L Mailing List |
QRP50 | Homebrew QRP equipment for under 50 dollars |
QRPFR | French spoken distribution list to promote low power activities (QRP) |
QSL-Announce | Anything to do with QSL cards and QSLing |
QSL-Managers | QSL-Managers discussion |
R-1051 | R-1051 Discussion Group |
R-390 | Collins R-390 HF Receiver List |
RACAL | Dedicated to all RACAL equipment |
RACES-Core | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. Core Group |
RACES-EmCom | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. Emergency Communications Group. |
RACES-hospital | [no description available] |
RACES-Membership | Pima County R.A.C.E.S. General Membership |
RadioShack | Discussion of RadioShack brand (Realistic, RadioShack, Tandy) |
RAGSPublicService | RAGS Public Service, ARES, RACES, SKYWARN Syracuse NY |
RCA | RCA Equipment |
RenoSKYWARN | SKYWARN program information for Reno NWS weather spotters |
Repeaters | All About Repeaters |
Rigblaster | Discussion of Rigblaster |
RIham | Rhode Island Ham Radio |
ROVARC-BOD | ROVARC Board of Directors business discussion |
ROVARC-Members | USS Red Oak Victory Amateur Radio Club members news and discussions |
Rover | Rover's for VHF Contesting and Grid Square Collecting |
RRDXA | Rhein Ruhr DX Association |
SBARC | Saddlebrooke AZ Amateur Radio Club |
SBhams | NW Louisiana Amateur Radio news |
Scan-DC | Scanner radio discussion list for Washington, D.C.-Baltimore region |
ScanIndiana | Indiana Scanning |
Scanner | Discussion of Scanners |
SCARA | Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association |
SCARES | Saline County Arkansas ARES |
SCHam | South Carolina Hams List |
SDham | SD Ham radio |
SELA | South East Louisiana ARES |
SERC | This is the Sarasota Emergency Radio Club Mailing list. |
SFDXA | DX Information & Events of Interest to South Florida |
SHARCbits | Spring Hill Amateur Radio Club |
SHARP_call_out | [no description available] |
SIERA | Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association |
SignalOne | All about Signal/One radios |
SilverCometARS | Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society |
SilverSpringsRC | Silver Springs FL Radio Club |
SixClub | World Wide Six Meter Club |
SJRA-Members | South Jersey Radio Association Members |
SJV-L | open to all hams in the San Juaquin Valley section |
SK5UM | Flens Radioamatörer FRA |
SkyHub | SkyHub Rocky Mountain Multi Mode Link System |
Skywarn | Discussion of Skywarn |
SlashPortable | For radio amateurs who enjoy working portable |
SLCRS | For members of South Logan County Radio Society |
SMCARA | St. Mary's County Amateur Radio Association (southern Maryland) |
SMIRK | The 6 meter club, SMIRK |
Snowball | Swapmeet in a box. Remove, add, pass on |
SOC | Second Class Operators' Club |
Special-Events | Discussion of Amateur Radio Special Events |
Spooks | Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations |
SRRC | Starved Rock Radio Club |
Standard | Discussion of radio equipment manufactured by Standard Amateur Radio Products |
Sterling | Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club |
STXBLT | South Texas Balloon Launch Team |
Swan | Discussion of equipment manufactured by Swan |
SWILARC | Southwestern Illinois Amateur Radio Clubs |
SWL | Short-Wave radio Listening |
Tandy | Discussion of equipment manufactured or distributed by Tandy |
TARA | NMT Amateur Radio Club discussion |
TCABoard | TCA Board of Directors |
TCARA | Tyler County Texas Amateur Radio Association |
TCARC-NTx | Tri-County ARC of North Texas WC5C |
TechCram | GCARC Licensing |
Tekniksnack | Deltagare i Tekniksnack @DCS010_T |
Tentec | Discussion of Tentec equipment |
Test | Use This List for Mail Testing Purposes |
Test-Equipment | Discussion of Electronic Test Equipment |
TimeWave-AEA | Discussion of products and services manufactured or provided by TimeWave-AEA |
TMC | Technical Material Corp Radios |
TMRA | The Toledo Mobile Radio Association located in Toledo, Ohio |
TNham | Discussion of HAM activities in Tennessee |
Tower-Speak | Discussion of anything related to towers |
TransAtlantic | TransAtlantic 144MHz+ Report-Discuss-Liason, America to Europe/Africa. |
TrashRadioGroup | Trash Radio Group - Allstar linked repeaters in New Mexico USA |
TRCFR | Thracian Rose Club activities |
TRIO | Mainly about older TRIO radios |
Troop139 | NJ Boy Scout Troop 139 and Venture Crew 7373 |
TrunkCom | Discussion of Monitoring Trunk Radio Systems |
TS-480 | Discussion of the Kenwood TS-480 radios |
Tube-Swap | Discussion and Sale/Swap of Vacuum Tubes |
TVARC | The Villages (FL) Amateur Radio Club |
TVARC-Contest-DX | The Villages (FL) Amateur Radio Club Contesters & DXers |
TVI-RFI-EMI | Discussion of interference of all types |
TWIAR | This Week in Amateur Radio |
TxHam | Texas Amateur Radio Operators |
Uniden | Discussion of equipment manufactured or distributed by Uniden |
UTham | Utah Ham Radio |
V7ARC | Village Seven Amateur Radio Club |
V7ARCSSBNET | Colorado Springs Saturday Evening 2-meter SSB net |
VARECS | Volusia County Florida ARECS |
VC73 | Venture Crew 73, Canton Ohio |
VE3PBO | Peterborough Amateur Radio Club |
Vintage-Audio | Vintage home and professional audio equipment from 1975 back |
Vintage-Radio | Vintage Ham Radio |
VTham | Vermont Ham Radio |
W2CRA | Cherryville Repeater Association II |
W3GMR | Green Mountain Repeater Association |
W3GV | Radio Association of Erie (PA) |
W3LIF | Mercer County PA Amateur Radio Club |
W3YXE | Radio Amateurs of Corry - Corry, PA |
W4PDE | Greater Pee Dee Radio Society |
W4PDEinfo | The Greater Pee Dee Radio Society (SC) |
W4TWN | Twin Rivers Amateur Radio Club |
W5-HAMS | Open to all persons interested in amateur radio |
W5AUM | Washington County (Texas) Amateur Radio Club |
W5AW | Big Spring ARC, Big Spring, Texas, USA |
W5CUQ | Pittsburg County Amateur Radio Club |
W6CCN | Western Country Cousin Net |
W8BHZ | Conneaut Amateur Radio Club News and Information |
W8MWA | Monongalia Wireless Association, Morgantown,WV |
W9CWA | Centralia Wireless Association |
WA2XMN | In support of WA2XMN, Alpine, NJ |
WAR | The Wisconsin Association of Repeaters |
WB9ZPH-VE | Current updates for the WB9ZPH VE team in Texas |
WCARA | Williams County (Ohio) Amateur Radio Association |
WCARES | Washington County Texas ARES |
Wefax | Discussion of weather fax communications |
WG8ARS | Germantown OHIO Amateur Radio Society |
Wi-ARES-WC-District | West-Central Wisconsin ARES |
WIARC | Western Illinois Amateur Radio Club |
WIham | Wisconsin Ham Radio |
WMA-ARES | An email list for the Western Mass. section of ARES. |
WRL | Discussion of WRL |
Wswss | Western States Weak Signal Society |
WTRA | Western Tidewater Radio Association member list |
WVham | WV Ham Radio |
WWARG | WWARG Members Board |
WWARGTechNet | World Wide Amateur Radio Group Tech Net |
WX4PDE | Greater Pee Dee Skywarn |
WX7PHX | For Ham Radio Operatiors In The Phoenix Arizona Sky Warn Program |
WYham | Wyoming Ham Radio |
Yaesu | Anything related to the entire Yaesu product line. |
YMCARES | Yellow Medicine County Minnesota ARES |
Zenith | Discussion of radio equipment from Zenith |
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