SIERA eCommunicator
Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association, a multifaceted amateur radio club, offers this eCommunicator as a public service to the members of SIERA as well as to the interested amateur radio community. We hope the content will be of import and value to all users.
The SIERA eCommunicator may be used for any radio related subject, such as VE exams and upgrade classes, equipment wants and availability, meetings and general get-togethers, "hams needed" for bike rides, auto races and the like, or other radio related topics.
A subscriber can send messages to the SIERA eCommunicator for automatic distribution to all other subscribers. Reply messages can be "private" or broadcast to all.
If you are interested in joining your peers on the SIERA eCommunicator, subscribing is easy. To subscribe send a email to:
[email protected]
Subject: Subscribe
Rest assured the subscriber list is highly confidential. No junk mail or spammers will ever get your email address from SIERA, or from your subscription to this list.
If it turns out the SIERA eCommunicator is not what you are looking for, send a email to the same place and indicate the Subject as "Unsubscribe".
Once you are notified that your SIERA eCommunicator subscription is in place you can message our reflector by sending your mail to [email protected]. You may wish to address book this source - makes life much easier.
If, at any time, you have questions concerning the SIERA eCommunicator, please contact the List Administrator at [email protected].
Visit the SIERA club website at
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the SIERA
Subscribe to SIERA by filling out the following
You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
list of members is available only to the list administrator.